A Carp Memoir by Tim Paisley Hardback 1st NUMBERED Edition 100 Copies
Limited Edition NUMBERED Hardback of only 100 copies
A Carp Memoir essentailly two books in one, running to over 550 pages and featuring over 900 photographs and illustrations and destined to become a classic of carp fishing literature.
This book is a collection of fragmented memories, and reflections as Tim looks back on a multitude of landmarks and achievements. The carp era he has lived through has been adorned by a remarkable number of achievers in whose shadow he has lived and learned, including Rod Hutchinson, Chris Yates, Kevin Clifford, Fred Wilton, Jim Gibbinson and others.
Tim’s reveals that his life in carp fishing has been a busy one, with a lot of help from his friends. As a journalist he has rubbed shoulders with and befriended some of the greats. He was a co-founder of and has been key player in the life of the Carp Society, ran two high prolife meres in Shropshire for thirty years, won three world championships, and caught carp to mid forties from home waters, and carp to nearly eighty pounds from overseas venues. The waters Tim has spent time on have included some of the most iconic venues of all time, both at home and abroad.
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